日本HPホーム 製品 & サービス OpenVMS製品情報
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付録A :テキスト・トランスレータのエスケープ/コントロール・シーケンス一覧
付録B :フォントID
付録C :テキスト・トランスレータの初期設定値
付録D :漢字ReGISトランスレータの初期設定値
付録E :JIS漢字1978年版と1983年版の違い
OpenVMS ホーム

日本語トランスレータ リファレンス・マニュアル

目次 索引

付録 A

表 A-1 コントロール・コード
名称(略号) コード(エスケープ・シーケンス)
Null (NUL) 00/00
Backspace (BS) 00/08
Horizontal Tab (HT) 00/09
Line Feed (LF) 00/10
Vertical Tab (VT) 00/11
Form Feed (FF) 00/12
Carriage Return (CR) 00/13
Shift Out (SO) 00/14
Shift In (SI) 00/15
Cancel (CAN) 01/08
Substitute (SUB) 01/10
Escape (ESC) 01/11
Delete (DEL) 07/15
Index (IND) 08/04,(ESC D)
Next Line (NEL) 08/05,(ESC E)
Horizontal Tab Set (HTS) 08/08,(ESC H)
Vertical Tab Set (VTS) 08/10,(ESC J)
Partial Line Down (PLD) 08/11,(ESC K)
Partial Line Up (PLU) 08/12,(ESC L)
Reverse Index (RI) 08/13,(ESC M)
Single Shift 2 (SS2) 08/14,(ESC N)
Single Shift 3 (SS3) 08/15,(ESC O)
Device Control String (DCS) 09/00,(ESC P)
Control Sequence Introducer (CSI) 09/11,(ESC [)
String Terminator (ST) 09/12,(ESC¥)
Operating System Command (OSC) 09/13,(ESC ])
Privacy Message (PM) 09/14,(ESC ^)
Application Program Command (APC) 09/15,(ESC _)

表 A-2 エスケープ/コントロール・シーケンス
名称(略号) シーケンス
Announce Subset of Code Extention
Facilities (DECASCEF)
Assign Type Family or Font (DECATFF) DCS P1 ; P2 } ** ST
Assign User-Preference Supplemental
DCS Ps ! u ** ST
Automatic Sheet Feeder Control/Tray
Select (DECASFC)
CSI Ps ! v
Autowrap Mode (DECAWM) CSI ? 7 h/CSI ? 7 l
Clear All Horizontal Tabs (DECCAHT) ESC 2
Clear All Vertical Tabs (DECCAVT) ESC 4
Clearing Tabulation Stops (TBC) CSI Ps g
Control Representation Mode (CRM) CSI 3 h/CSI 3 l
CR New Line Mode (DECCRNLM) CSI ? 40 h/CSI ? 40 l
Cursor Up (CUU) CSI Pn A
Delete Type Family (DECDTFF) DCS Ps ~ *** ST
Draw Relative Vector (DECRVEC) CSI Ps1 ; Pn3 ; Pn3 ; SP
Draw Vector (DECVEC) CSI Ps1 ; Pn2 ; ...; Pn5 ! |
Graphic Size Modification (GSM) CSI Pn ; Pm SP B
Graphic Size Select (GSS) CSI Pn SP C
Horizontal Position Absolute (HPA) CSI Pn `
Horizontal Position Relative (HPR) CSI Pn a
Horizontal Position Backward (HPB) CSI Pn j
Horizontal Tab Set (DECHTS) ESC 1
Justify (JFY) CSI Ps SP F
Kanji Select Predefined Page (DECKSPP) CSI Ps ' v
Kanji Vertical Printing Mode (DECKVPM) CSI ? 75 h/CSI ? 75 l
LF Newline Mode (LNM) CSI 20 h/CSI 20 l
Load Font File (DECLFF) DCS P1;P2;P3 y **;** ST
Load Kanji Form (DECLKF) DCS P1;P2;P3"p**ST
Locking Shift 2 (LS2) ESC n
Locking Shift 3 (LS3) ESC o
Locking Shift 1 R (LS1R) ESC ~
Locking Shift 2 R (LS2R) ESC }
Locking Shift 3 R (LS3R) ESC |
Origin Placement Mode (DECOPM) CSI ? 52 h/CSI ? 52 l
Page Format Select (PFS) CSI Ps SP J
Pitch Select Mode (DECPSM) CSI ? 29 h/CSI ? 29 l
Position Unit Mode (PUM) CSI 11 h/CSI 11 l
Proportional Spacing (DECPSP) CSI ? 27 h/CSI ? 27 l
Reset to Initial State (RIS) ESC c
Select Conformance Level (DECSCL) CSI Ps " p
Select Font (SGR) CSI Ps m (Ps = 10 - 19)
Select Character Set, G0 (SCS) ESC ( F
Select Character Set, G1 (SCS) ESC ) F
Select Character Set, G2 (SCS) ESC * F
Select Character Set, G3 (SCS) ESC + F
Select Character Set, G3, Multi-Byte ESC $ + F
Select Graphic Rendition (SGR) CSI Ps m
Select Horizontal Spacing (SHS) CSI Ps SP K
Select Size Unit (SSU) CSI Ps SP I
Select Vertical Spacing (SVS) CSI Ps SP L
Set Horizontal Pitch (DECSHORP) CSI Ps w (Ps = 0-16)
Set Horizontal Tabulation (DECSHTS) CSI Pn ; ... ; Pn u
Set Left and Right Margins (DECSLRM) CSI Pn ; Pm s
Set Lines Per Physical Page (DECSLPP) CSI Pn t
Set Top and Bottom Margins (DECSTBM) CSI Pn ; Pm r
Set Vertical Pitch (DECVERP) CSI Ps z (Ps=0-6,10-16)
Set Vertical Tabulation (DECSVTS) CSI Pn ; ... ; Pn v
Sixel Graphic DCS Ps1;Ps2;Ps3 q ** ST
Soft Terminal Reset (DECSTR) CSI ! p
Spacing Pitch Increment (SPI) CSI Pv ; Ph SP G
Variable Page Format Select (DECVPFS) CSI Ps1 ; Pn2 ...; Pn11 SP z
Vertical Position Absolute (VPA) CSI Pn d
Vertical Position Backward (VPB) CSI Pn k
Vertical Position Relative (VPR) CSI Pn e
Vertical Tab Set (DECVTS) ESC 3

表 A-3 LA_KANJIに特有のエスケープ・シーケンス
名称(略号) エスケープ・シーケンス
Double-Height Line, Top (DECDHLT) ESC #3
Double-Height Line, Bottom (DECDHLB) ESC #4
Single-Width Line (DECSWL) ESC #5
Double-Width Line (DECDWL) ESC #6

目次 索引

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