HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Guide to OpenVMS File Applications

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GBLPAGES system parameter
GBLPAGFIL system parameter
GBLSECTIONS system parameter
Generation version number
Generic key match
GET attribute #1
GET attribute #2
Get service
    compared with Find service
    current-record and
    effect on next-record position
    high-level language equivalents
    requirement for end-of-file test
    run-time options
Global buffer counts, example of run-time specification
Global buffer performance enhancements
Global buffer sizes
    for shared sequential file operations #1
    for shared sequential file operations #2
Global buffers #1
Global buffers #2
Global buffers #3
    restricted use
    with deferred-write option
    with indexed file
    with relative file
    with shared file
    with shared sequential file
Global page tables
Global section, concurrent access
Global sections
Hard-positioning option
Hardware errors
Header labels
    HDR1 label #1
    HDR1 label #2
        accessibility field
        creation date field
        expiration date field
        file identifier field
        file section number field
        file sequence number field
        file-set identifier field
        generation number field
        generation version-number field
    HDR2 label #1
    HDR2 label #2
        block length field
        buffer-offset length field
        record format field
        record length field
        system-dependent field
    HDR3 label
        RMS attributes field
    HDR4 label #1
    HDR4 label #2
HELP command
Home blocks
I/O and performance
I/O unit #1
I/O unit #2
I/O unit #3
Identifier fields
Image activations
INDEX BUCKET structure
Index compression
    prohibition against using
    restrictions #1
    restrictions #2
    restrictions #3
Index depth
Index entries, ordering
Index levels, number of
Index structures #1
Index structures #2
    Level 0
    Level 1
Indexed files #1
Indexed files #2
Indexed files #3
    advantages of using
    alternate key
    bucket size #1
    bucket size #2
    bucket size #3
    bucket size #4
    buffering #1
    buffering #2
    compression #1
    compression #2
    compression #3
    deferred-write option with
    disadvantages of using
    extend size
    fill factor
    global buffers
    key type
    making contiguous
    optimizing performance
    primary key
    Prolog 1 files and Prolog 2 files
    reclaiming buckets in
    record access #1
    record access #2
    record access #3
    run-time options #1
    run-time options #2
    selection of default extension quantity
    with global buffers
/INDEXED qualifier
INDEX_AREA attribute
INITIALIZE command, window size and
/INTERACTIVE qualifier
Internal buffers
INVOKE command
IRG (interrecord gap)
ISO 9660 CD, file format
ISO 9660 standard, resolution of incompatibilities with OpenVMS
Key 0
Key buffers #1
Key buffers #2
Key buffers #3
Key-characteristics option
Key compression
    prohibition against using
    restrictions #1
    restrictions #2
    restrictions #3
Key matches
    generic #1
    generic #2
    generic and approximate
Keys (in records)
    alternate #1
    alternate #2
    alternate #3
    duplicate values
    for Prolog 1 files and Prolog 2 files
    null value
    number of
    primary #1
    primary #2
    size #1
    size #2
    size #3
    used in storing indexed records sequentially
Keys of reference
KEY_GREATER_EQUAL attribute #1
KEY_GREATER_EQUAL attribute #2
KEY_GREATER_THAN attribute #1
KEY_GREATER_THAN attribute #2
    ANSI magnetic tape #1
    ANSI magnetic tape #2
    EOF (end-of-file)
    EOV (end-of-volume)
Leading hyphens
    file names
    subdirectory names
Leading zeros in stream records
LIB$STOP routine
Line_Plot graph #1
Line_Plot graph #2
Local nodes
Locate mode, record retrieval and
Lock-mastering nodes
Lock-requesting nodes
Lock root
LOCK_ON_READ attribute
LOCK_ON_WRITE attribute
Logical-block-position option
Logical names
    concealed attribute
    parsing #1
    parsing #2
    sample program #1
    sample program #2
    search lists #1
    search lists #2
    search lists #3
    translation #1
    translation #2
    translation #3
    types of #1
    types of #2
LOGICAL option
Lowercase letters

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