HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Guide to OpenVMS File Applications

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Query locking
Queue I/O request system service #1
Queue I/O request system service #2
Queue I/O services, $QIO call
RAB$B_KRF field #1
RAB$B_KRF field #2
RAB$B_KSZ field #1
RAB$B_KSZ field #2
RAB$B_KSZ field #3
RAB$B_KSZ field #4
RAB$B_KSZ field #5
RAB$B_KSZ field #6
RAB$B_MBC field #1
RAB$B_MBC field #2
RAB$B_MBC field #3
RAB$B_MBC field #4
RAB$B_MBF field #1
RAB$B_MBF field #2
RAB$B_MBF field #3
RAB$B_RAC field
    RAB$C_KEY option #1
    RAB$C_KEY option #2
    RAB$C_KEY option #3
    RAB$C_KEY option #4
    RAB$C_RFA option #1
    RAB$C_RFA option #2
    RAB$C_RFA option #3
    RAB$C_RFA option #4
    RAB$C_SEQ option #1
    RAB$C_SEQ option #2
    RAB$C_SEQ option #3
    RAB$C_SEQ option #4
RAB$B_TMO field #1
RAB$B_TMO field #2
RAB$B_TMO field #3
RAB$L_KBF field #1
RAB$L_KBF field #2
RAB$L_KBF field #3
RAB$L_KBF field #4
RAB$L_KBF field #5
RAB$L_KBF field #6
RAB$L_RBF field #1
RAB$L_RBF field #2
RAB$L_RBZ field
RAB$L_RHB field #1
RAB$L_RHB field #2
RAB$L_RHB field #3
RAB$L_ROP field
    RAB$V_ASY option #1
    RAB$V_ASY option #2
    RAB$V_ASY option #3
    RAB$V_ASY option #4
    RAB$V_ASY option #5
    RAB$V_ASY option #6
    RAB$V_ASY option #7
    RAB$V_ASY option #8
    RAB$V_EOF option #1
    RAB$V_EOF option #2
    RAB$V_EOF option #3
    RAB$V_EQNXT option #1
    RAB$V_EQNXT option #2
    RAB$V_FDL option #1
    RAB$V_FDL option #2
    RAB$V_FDL option #3
    RAB$V_KGE option #1
    RAB$V_KGE option #2
    RAB$V_KGT option #1
    RAB$V_KGT option #2
    RAB$V_LIM option #1
    RAB$V_LIM option #2
    RAB$V_LOA option #1
    RAB$V_LOA option #2
    RAB$V_LOC option #1
    RAB$V_LOC option #2
    RAB$V_NLK option #1
    RAB$V_NLK option #2
    RAB$V_NXR option #1
    RAB$V_NXR option #2
    RAB$V_NXR option #3
    RAB$V_NXT option #1
    RAB$V_NXT option #2
    RAB$V_RAH option #1
    RAB$V_RAH option #2
    RAB$V_RAH option #3
    RAB$V_REA option #1
    RAB$V_REA option #2
    RAB$V_RLK option #1
    RAB$V_RLK option #2
    RAB$V_RLK option #3
    RAB$V_RRL option #1
    RAB$V_RRL option #2
    RAB$V_TMO option #1
    RAB$V_TMO option #2
    RAB$V_TMO option #3
    RAB$V_TMO option #4
    RAB$V_TPT option #1
    RAB$V_TPT option #2
    RAB$V_UIF option #1
    RAB$V_UIF option #2
    RAB$V_UIF option #3
    RAB$V_UIF option #4
    RAB$V_ULK option #1
    RAB$V_ULK option #2
    RAB$V_WAT option #1
    RAB$V_WAT option #2
    RAB$V_WBH option #1
    RAB$V_WBH option #2
    RAB$V_WBH option #3
RAB$L_UBF field
RAB$L_USZ field
RAB$W_RBF field
RAB$W_RFA field #1
RAB$W_RFA field #2
RAB$W_RFA field #3
RAB$W_RSZ field #1
RAB$W_RSZ field #2
$RABDEF macro
RABs (record access blocks)
Random access
    by key value #1
    by key value #2
    by key value #3
    by key value #4
    by key value #5
    by relative record number #1
    by relative record number #2
    by relative record number #3
    by relative record number #4
    by relative record number #5
    by RFA (record file address) #1
    by RFA (record file address) #2
    by RFA (record file address) #3
    to indexed files #1
    to indexed files #2
    to indexed files #3
    to relative files #1
    to relative files #2
    to relative files #3
    to sequential files #1
    to sequential files #2
    to sequential files #3
    with multibuffer count
RCW (record control word)
Read-mode bucket locking
Record access #1
Record access #2
    in stream context
Record access modes
    for indexed files
    for relative files #1
    for relative files #2
    for sequential files #1
    for sequential files #2
    sequential #1
    sequential #2
    sequential #3
    sequential #4
    specifying #1
    specifying #2
    specifying #3
    specifying #4
    specifying #5
Record buffers #1
Record buffers #2
Record formats #1
Record formats #2
Record formats #3
Record formats #4
    fixed-length #1
    fixed-length #2
    fixed-length #3
    fixed-length #4
    fixed-length #5
    fixed-length #6
    fixed-length #7
    variable-length #1
    variable-length #2
    variable-length #3
    variable-length #4
    variable-length #5
    variable-length #6
Record header buffer #1
Record header buffer #2
Record header buffer #3
Record length field
Record operation
Record processing, list of services
Record-processing run-time option
Record streams
    connecting to a file
Record transfer mode
    adding #1
    adding #2
    deleting #1
    deleting #2
    deleting #3
    format options
    inserting #1
    inserting #2
        use with update operation
    retrieving #1
    retrieving #2
        sequentially from an indexed file
    updating #1
    updating #2
    updating #3
RECORD_IO attribute
Related-file-position option
Relative file extend size
    initial value
    maximized value
Relative files
    advantages of using
    bucket sizes #1
    bucket sizes #2
    bucket sizes #3
    bucket sizes #4
    bucket sizes #5
    deferred-write option with
    disadvantages of using
    examining #1
    examining #2
    maximum record size
    optimizing performance
    record access #1
    record access #2
    with global buffers
/RELATIVE qualifier
Relative record number #1
Relative record number #2
Release service
Remote file access
    Fortran program example
Remote nodes
Rename service
Repeating characters in compression
REST command #1
REST command #2
REST command #3
Retrieval pointer
Retrieving records sequentially from an indexed file
Return key, interactive mode
Reverse-search key options #1
Reverse-search key options #2
Reverse-search key options #3
REVISION attribute
Revision data
Rewind service
    effect on next-record position
RFAs (record file addresses) #1
RFAs (record file addresses) #2
RFAs (record file addresses) #3
RFAs (record file addresses) #4
RFAs (record file addresses) #5
    created by CONVERT
    use of table for rapid access
RMS #1
RMS #2
RMS #3
RMS #4
    allocating buffers #1
    allocating buffers #2
    attributes #1
    attributes #2
    bucket splits
    calculating extension size
    connect-time options
    control blocks #1
    control blocks #2
    creation-time options #1
    creation-time options #2
    data structures
    deferred-write operation #1
    deferred-write operation #2
    image activation
    in indexed files
    MACRO parameter
    option selection
    overflow into P0
    placing file information in prologs
        cache display
        determining when enabled
        enabling gathering
        example of using
        impact on resources associated with global sections
        restrictions to gathering
        using to improve performance
        use with large extends
    use of multiblocks
    using with languages
    with Prolog 3 files
RMS global buffer management, scalability
RMS interface
RMS representation
RMS subdirectories, extending
RMS_GBLBUFQUO system parameter
Root component
Root level
Rooted-device logical names
Rooted-directory specifications
Rotational latency
RRV (record reference vector) #1
RRV (record reference vector) #2
RSX systems, use of ODS-1 file structure with
Run-time options

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