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OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual


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64-bit virtual addressing
    system services support
Aborting a transaction
$ABORT_TRANS system service
$ABORT_TRANSW system service
Absolute time
    as input to $BINTIM
    as input to $BINUTC
    converting to numeric
Access modes
    changing to executive #1
    changing to executive #2
    changing to kernel #1
    changing to kernel #2
Access protection
Accounting messages
    format of
ACLs (access control lists)
$ACQUIRE_GALAXY_LOCK system service
Adding holder records to rights database
Adding identifiers to rights database
Address space
    creating virtual
$ADD_HOLDER system service
$ADD_IDENT system service
$ADD_PROXY system service
$ADJSTK system service
$ADJWSL system service
Alignment fault data
    getting for system process
    getting for user image
Alignment fault reporting
    disabling for user image
    disabling for user process
    enabling for user process
    initializing for system process
    starting for user image
$ALLOC system service
Allocation classes
Arithmetic exceptions
    getting information about
$ASCEFC system service
ASCII character set
    converting strings to binary
    converting strings to UTC
ASCII output
    formatting character string
$ASCTIM system service
$ASCTOID system service
$ASCUTC system service
$ASSIGN system service
    an I/O channel
ASTLM (AST limit) quota
    effect of canceling wakeup on
ASTs (asynchronous system traps)
    setting for power recovery
    setting timer for
Audit event messages
Auditing events #1
Auditing events #2
$AUDIT_EVENT system service
$AUDIT_EVENTW system service
Automatic unshelving
$AVOID_PREEMPT system service
Binary time
    converting to ASCII string
    converting to numeric time #1
    converting to numeric time #2
Binary values
    converting to ASCII string
$BINTIM system service
$BINUTC system service
$BRKTHRU system service
$BRKTHRUW system service
Buffer objects
BYTLM quota
    using with $GETJPI buffers
Caching attribute
Call frames
    removing from stack
Call stacks
$CANCEL system service
    exit handlers
    I/O requests
    timer requests
    wakeup requests
$CANEXH system service
$CANTIM system service
$CANWAK system service
Change-mode handlers
    canceling I/O
$CHECK_ACCESS system service
$CHECK_FEN system service (Alpha only)
$CHECK_PRIVILEGE system service
$CHECK_PRIVILEGEW system service
$CHKPRO system service
Class scheduler
Clearing an event flag
$CLEAR_SYSTEM_EVENT system service
$CLRAST system service
$CLRCLUEVT system service
$CLREF system service
Cluster events
    clearing request for notification of
    requesting notification of
$CMEXEC system service
$CMEXEC_64 system service
$CMKRNL system service
$CMKRNL_64 system service
Common event flag clusters
Compatibility mode handlers
Control region
    adding page to
    deleting page from
    64-bit system time to UTC time
    ASCII string to binary time
    ASCII string to UTC format
    audit event message
    binary time to ASCII string
    binary time to numeric time
    UTC format to ASCII
    UTC time to numeric time
CPU affinity set
CPU user capability set
$CPU_CAPABILITIES system service (Alpha only)
$CPU_TRANSITION system service
$CREATE_BUFOBJ_64 system service
$CREATE_GALAXY_LOCK system service
$CREATE_GDZRO system service (Alpha only)
$CREATE_GFILE system service (Alpha only)
$CREATE_GPFILE system service (Alpha only)
$CREATE_GPFN system service (Alpha only)
$CREATE_RDB system service
$CREATE_REGION_64 system service
$CREATE_USER_PROFILE system service
    disk file sections
    logical name tables
    logical names
    rights databases
    user profiles
    virtual address space
$CRELNM system service
$CRELNT system service
$CREMBX system service
$CREPRC system service
$CRETVA system service
    See also $EXPREG system service
$CRETVA_64 system service
$CRMPSC system service
$CRMPSC_FILE_64 system service
$CRMPSC_GDZRO_64 system service
$CRMPSC_GFILE_64 system service
$CRMPSC_GPFILE_64 system service
$CRMPSC_GPFN_64 system service
$CRMPSC_PFN_64 system service
$CVT_FILENAME system service
$DACEFC system service
$DALLOC system service
$DASSGN system service
$DCLAST system service
$DCLCMH system service
$DCLEXH system service
Deallocating devices
Deassigning an I/O channel
DECdns (Digital Distributed Name Service)
    converting names #1
    converting names #2
    converting names #3
    converting names #4
    creating objects
    deleting objects
    enumerating objects
Declaring an AST (asynchronous system trap)
Default directories
Default file protection
Default form
$DELETE_BUFOBJ system service (Alpha only)
$DELETE_GALAXY_LOCK system service
$DELETE_INTRUSION system service
$DELETE_PROXY system service
$DELETE_REGION_64 system service
    DECdns objects
    event flag clusters
    global sections
    intrusion records
    logical names
    virtual address space
$DELLNM system service
$DELMBX system service
$DELPRC system service
Delta time
    as input to $BINTIM
    converting to numeric
$DELTVA system service
$DELTVA_64 system service
$DEQ system service
Dequeuing lock requests
Detached processes
Device characteristics
    set and wait
Device paths
    scan for
    getting information asynchronously
    getting information synchronously
    lock name
    scanning of across the cluster
$DEVICE_PATH_SCAN system service
$DEVICE_SCAN system service
$DGBLSC system service
Disk file sections
    mapping #1
    mapping #2
    initializing within a program
$DISMOU system service
Dismounting a volume
$DISPLAY_PROXY system service
$DLCEFC system service
$DNS system service (VAX only)
$DNSW system service (VAX only)

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