HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual

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    creating virtual
Remove RM #1
Remove RM #2
Resource Affinity Domains (RADs) support #1
Resource Affinity Domains (RADs) support #2
Resource Affinity Domains (RADs) support #3
Resource Affinity Domains (RADs) support #4
Resource Affinity Domains (RADs) support #5
Resource Affinity Domains (RADs) support #6
Resource Affinity Domains (RADs) support #7
Resource Manager Instance
    See RMI
Resource Manager participant
    See RM participant
Resource wait mode
Rights database context
Rights databases
    creation #1
    creation #2
    declaration #1
    declaration #2
    remove #1
    remove #2
RM participant #1
RM participant #2
RM participant #3
RM participant #4
RM participant #5
RM participant #6
RM participant #7
RM participant #8
RM participant #9
    delete #1
    delete #2
    for devices
    intrusion database
Section files
    updating asynchronously
    updating synchronously
    deleting global
    writing modifications to disk #1
    writing modifications to disk #2
    auditing events #1
    auditing events #2
    checking privileges #1
    checking privileges #2
    converting message from binary to ASCII
    filtering sensitive message information
    getting erase patterns
    hashing passwords
    modifying characteristics of an object
    retrieving information about objects
Security characteristics
    modifying for an object
    retrieving for an object
Sending a message to one or more terminals #1
Sending a message to one or more terminals #2
Set fault characteristic
Set transaction #1
Set transaction #2
Setting the resource wait mode
Stack limit
    changing size of #1
    changing size of #2
Stack pointer
    formatting output
    searching for file specification in
SYS$ABORT_TRANS system service
SYS$ABORT_TRANSW system service
SYS$ACK_EVENT system service
SYS$ACQUIRE_GALAXY_LOCK system service (Alpha Only)
SYS$ADD_BRANCH system service
SYS$ADD_BRANCHW system service
SYS$ADD_HOLDER system service
SYS$ADD_IDENT system service
SYS$ADD_PROXY system service
SYS$ADJSTK system service
SYS$ADJWSL system service
SYS$ALLOC system service
SYS$ASCEFC system service
SYS$ASCTIM system service
SYS$ASCTOID system service
SYS$ASCUTC system service
SYS$ASSIGN system service
SYS$AUDIT_EVENT system service
SYS$AUDIT_EVENTW system service
SYS$AVOID_PREEMPT system service
SYS$BINTIM system service
SYS$BINUTC system service
SYS$BRKTHRU system service
SYS$BRKTHRUW system service
SYS$CANCEL system service
SYS$CANEXH system service
SYS$CANTIM system service
SYS$CANWAK system service
SYS$CHECK_ACCESS system service
SYS$CHECK_FEN system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$CHECK_PRIVILEGE system service
SYS$CHKPRO system service
SYS$CLEAR_SYSTEM_EVENT system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$CLRAST system service
SYS$CLRCLUEVT system service
SYS$CLREF system service
SYS$CMEXEC system service
SYS$CMEXEC_64 system service
SYS$CMKRNL system service
SYS$CMKRNL_64 system service
SYS$CPU_TRANSITION system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$CPU_TRANSITIONW system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$CREATE_GALAXY_LOCK system service (Alpha Only)
SYS$CREATE_GALAXY_LOCK_TABLE system service (Alpha Only)
SYS$CREATE_RDB system service
SYS$CREATE_UID system service
SYS$CRELNM system service
SYS$CRELNT system service
SYS$CREMBX system service
SYS$CREPRC system service
SYS$CRETVA system service
    See also SYS$EXPREG system service
SYS$CRMPSC system service
SYS$CVT_FILENAME system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$DACEFC system service
SYS$DALLOC system service
SYS$DASSGN system service
SYS$DCLAST system service
SYS$DCLCMH system service
SYS$DCLEXH system service
SYS$DECLARE_RM system service
SYS$DECLARE_RMW system service
SYS$DELETE_GALAXY_LOCK system service (Alpha Only)
SYS$DELETE_GALAXY_LOCK_TABLE system service (Alpha Only)
SYS$DELETE_PROXY system service
SYS$DELLNM system service
SYS$DELMBX system service
SYS$DELPRC system service
SYS$DELTVA system service
SYS$DEQ system service
SYS$DEVICE_PATH_SCAN system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$DEVICE_SCAN system service
SYS$DGBLSC system service
SYS$DISMOU system service
SYS$DISPLAY_PROXY system service
SYS$DLCEFC system service
SYS$END_BRANCH system service
SYS$END_BRANCHW system service
SYS$END_TRANS system service
SYS$END_TRANSW system service
SYS$ENQ system service
SYS$ENQW system service
SYS$ERAPAT system service
SYS$EXIT system service
    issuing for specified process
SYS$EXPREG system service
SYS$FAO system service
SYS$FAOL system service
SYS$FILESCAN system service
SYS$FIND_HELD system service
SYS$FIND_HOLDER system service
SYS$FINISH_RDB system service
SYS$FORCEX system service
    See also SYS$DELPRC system service
    See also SYS$EXIT system service
SYS$FORGET_RM system service
SYS$FORGET_RMW system service
SYS$FORMAT_ACL system service
SYS$FORMAT_AUDIT system service
SYS$GETDTI system service #1
SYS$GETDTI system service #2
SYS$GETDVI system service
SYS$GETDVIW system service
SYS$GETENV system service (Alpha Only)
SYS$GETJPI system service
SYS$GETJPIW system service
SYS$GETLKI system service
SYS$GETLKIW system service
SYS$GETMSG system service
SYS$GETQUI system service
SYS$GETQUIW system service
SYS$GETRMI system service
SYS$GETSYI system service
SYS$GETSYIW system service
SYS$GETTIM system service
SYS$GETTIM_PREC system service
SYS$GETUAI system service
SYS$GETUTC system service
SYS$GET_ALIGN_FAULT_DATA system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$GET_ARITH_EXCEPTION system service (Alpha only)
SYS$GET_DEFAULT_TRANS system service
SYS$GET_GALAXY_LOCK_INFO system service (Alpha Only) #1
SYS$GET_GALAXY_LOCK_INFO system service (Alpha Only) #2
SYS$GET_GALAXY_LOCK_SIZE system service (Alpha Only) #1
SYS$GET_GALAXY_LOCK_SIZE system service (Alpha Only) #2
SYS$GET_SECURITY system service
SYS$GET_SYS_ALIGN_FAULT_DATA system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$GOTO_UNWIND system service (Alpha Only)
SYS$GOTO_UNWIND_64 system service
SYS$GRANTID system service
SYS$HASH_PASSWORD system service
SYS$HIBER system service
SYS$ICC_ACCEPT system service
SYS$ICC_CLOSE_ASSOC system service
SYS$ICC_CONNECT system service
SYS$ICC_CONNECTW system service
SYS$ICC_DISCONNECT system service
SYS$ICC_DISCONNECTW system service
SYS$ICC_OPEN_ASSOC system service
SYS$ICC_RECEIVE system service
SYS$ICC_RECEIVEW system service
SYS$ICC_REJECT system service
SYS$ICC_REPLY system service
SYS$ICC_REPLYW system service
SYS$ICC_TRANSCEIVE system service
SYS$ICC_TRANSCEIVEW system service
SYS$ICC_TRANSMIT system service
SYS$ICC_TRANSMITW system service
SYS$IDTOASC system service
SYS$IEEE_SET_FP_CONTROL system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$INIT_SYS_ALIGN_FAULT_REPORT system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$INIT_VOL system service
SYS$IO_FASTPATH system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$IO_FASTPATHW system service
SYS$JOIN_RM system service
SYS$JOIN_RMW system service
SYS$LCKPAG system service
SYS$LKWSET system service
SYS$MGBLSC system service
SYS$MOD_HOLDER system service
SYS$MOD_IDENT system service
SYS$MOUNT system service
SYS$MTACCESS system service
SYS$NUMTIM system service
SYS$PARSE_ACL system service
SYS$PERM_DIS_ALIGN_FAULT_REPORT system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$PERM_REPORT_ALIGN_FAULT system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$PERSONA_ASSUME system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$PERSONA_CLONE system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$PERSONA_CREATE system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$PERSONA_CREATE_EXTENSION system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$PERSONA_DELEGATE system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$PERSONA_DELETE system service
SYS$PERSONA_DELETE_EXTENSION system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$PERSONA_EXTENSION_LOOKUP system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$PERSONA_FIND system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$PERSONA_MODIFY system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$PERSONA_QUERY system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$PERSONA_RESERVE system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$PROCESS_SCAN system service
SYS$PURGWS system service
    See also SYS$ADJWSL system service
SYS$PUTMSG system service
SYS$QIO system service
SYS$QIOW system service
SYS$READEF system service
SYS$REGISTRY system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$REGISTRYW system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$RELEASE_GALAXY_LOCK system service (Alpha Only)
SYS$REM_HOLDER system service
SYS$REM_IDENT system service
SYS$RESCHED system service
SYS$RESUME system service
SYS$REVOKID system service
SYS$RMSRUNDWN system service
SYS$RPCC_64 system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$SCAN_INTRUSION system service
SYS$SCHDWK system service
SYS$SCHED system service
SYS$SETAST system service
SYS$SETCLUEVT system service
SYS$SETDDIR system service
SYS$SETDFPROT system service
SYS$SETDTI system service
SYS$SETDTIW system service
SYS$SETEF system service
SYS$SETEXV system service
SYS$SETFLT system service
SYS$SETIME system service
SYS$SETIMR system service
SYS$SETPRA system service
SYS$SETPRI system service
SYS$SETPRN system service
SYS$SETPRT system service
SYS$SETPRV system service
SYS$SETRWM system service
SYS$SETSHLV system service
SYS$SETSTK system service
SYS$SETSTK_64 system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$SETSWM system service
SYS$SETUAI system service
SYS$SET_DEFAULT_TRANS system service
SYS$SET_DEVICE system service
SYS$SET_DEVICEW system service
SYS$SET_PROCESS_PROPERTIESW system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$SET_RETURN_VALUE system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$SET_SECURITY system service
SYS$SET_SYSTEM_EVENT system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$SET_UNWIND_TABLE system service
SYS$SHOW_INTRUSION system service
SYS$SIGNAL_ARRAY_64 system service
SYS$SNDERR system service
SYS$SNDJBC system service
SYS$SNDJBCW system service
SYS$SNDOPR system service
SYS$START_ALIGN_FAULT_REPORT system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$START_BRANCH system service
SYS$START_BRANCHW system service
SYS$START_TRANS system service
SYS$START_TRANSW system service
SYS$STOP_ALIGN_FAULT_REPORT system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$STOP_SYS_ALIGN_FAULT_REPORT system service (Alpha and Integrity servers)
SYS$SUBSYSTEM system service
SYS$SUSPND system service
SYS$SYNCH system service
    using as image to create new processes #1
    using as image to create new processes #2
SYS$TIMCON system service
SYS$TRANS_EVENT system service
SYS$TRANS_EVENTW system service
SYS$TRNLNM system service
SYS$TSTCLUEVT system service
SYS$ULKPAG system service
SYS$ULWSET system service
SYS$UNWIND system service
SYS$UPDSEC system service
SYS$UPDSECW system service
SYS$VERIFY_PROXY system service
SYS$WAITFR system service
SYS$WAKE system service
    See also SYS$HIBER system service
SYS$WFLAND system service
SYS$WFLOR system service
System alignment fault reporting
    disabling for user image
System services
    Abort Transaction #1
    Abort Transaction #2
    Accept (ICC)
    Acknowledge Event
    Acquire Galaxy Lock (Alpha Only)
    Add Branch
    Add Branch and Wait
    Add Holder Record to Rights Database
    Add Identifier to Rights Database
    Add Proxy
    Adjust Outer Mode Stack Pointer
    Adjust Working Set Limit
    Affect Process Scheduling
    Allocate Device
    Assign I/O Channel
    Associate Common Event Flag Cluster
    Assume Persona (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Audit Event #1
    Audit Event #2
    Authentication and Credential Management #1
    Authentication and Credential Management #2
    Avoid Process Preemption
    Breakthrough #1
    Breakthrough #2
    Cancel Exit Handler
    Cancel I/O on Channel
    Cancel Timer
    Cancel Wakeup
    Change to Executive Mode
        with quadword argument list
    Change to Kernel Mode
        with quadword argument list
    Check Access
    Check Access Protection
    Check Floating Point (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Check Privilege #1
    Check Privilege #2
    checking completion status of
    Clean Up Fast I/O (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Clear Cluster Event
    Clear Event Flag
    Clear System Event (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Clear Unwind Table (UT)
    Clone Persona (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Close association (ICC)
    Connect (ICC) #1
    Connect (ICC) #2
    Control Fast Path Devices
    Control Fast Path Devices (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Convert ASCII String to Binary Time
    Convert ASCII String to UTC Binary Time
    Convert Binary Time to ASCII String
    Convert Binary Time to Numeric Time
    Convert UTC Time to Numeric Components
    Convert UTC to ASCII
    Converts String (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    CPU Transition (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    CPU Transition and Wait (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Create and Map a Global Disk File Section (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Create and Map Global Page File Section (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Create and Map Global Page Frame Section (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Create and Map Private Disk File Section (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Create and Map Private Page Frame Section (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Create and Map Section
    Create and Map to Global Demand-Zero Section (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Create Buffer Object (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Create Galaxy Lock (Alpha Only)
    Create Galaxy Lock Table (Alpha Only)
    Create Logical Name
    Create Logical Name Table
    Create Mailbox and Assign Channel
    Create Permanent Global Demand-Zero Section
    Create Permanent Global Disk File Section (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Create Permanent Global Page File Section (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Create Permanent Global Page Frame Section (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Create Persona (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Create Persona Extension (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Create Process
    Create Rights Database
    Create UID
    Create User Profile
    Create Virtual Address Space
    Create Virtual Address Space (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Create Virtual Region (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Deallocate Device
    Deassign I/O Channel
    Declare AST
    Declare Change Mode Handler
    Declare Change Mode or Compatibility Mode Handler
    Declare Exit Handler
    Declare Resource Manager
    Declare Resource Manager and Wait
    Delegate Persona to a Server Process (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Delete Buffer Object (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Delete Common Event Flag Cluster
    Delete Galaxy Lock (Alpha Only)
    Delete Galaxy Lock Table (Alpha Only)
    Delete Global Section
    Delete Intrusion Records
    Delete Logical Name
    Delete Mailbox
    Delete or Modify Proxy
    Delete Persona
    Delete Persona Extension (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Delete Process
    Delete Virtual Address Space
    Delete Virtual Address Space (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Delete Virtual Region (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Dequeue Lock Request
    Disable Alignment Fault Reporting (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Disassociate Common Event Flag Cluster
    Disconnect (ICC) #1
    Disconnect (ICC) #2
    Dismount Volume
    Display Proxy Information
    End Branch
    End Branch and Wait
    End Transaction #1
    End Transaction #2
    Enqueue Lock Request #1
    Enqueue Lock Request #2
    Expand Program/Control Region
    Expand Virtual Address Space (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Find Holder of Identifier
    Find Identifiers Held by User
    Find Persona (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Force Exit
    Forget Resource Manager
    Forget Resource Manager and Wait
    Format Access Control List Entry
    Format Security Audit Event Message
    Formatted ASCII Output Services
    Formatted ASCII Output with List Parameter for 64-Bit Memory (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Get Alignment Fault Data (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Get Arithmetic Exception Information (Alpha only)
    Get Default Transaction
    Get Device/Volume Information #1
    Get Device/Volume Information #2
    Get Distributed Transaction Information
    Get Distributed Transaction Information and Wait
    Get Environment (Alpha Only)
    Get Galaxy Lock Information (Alpha Only) #1
    Get Galaxy Lock Information (Alpha Only) #2
    Get Galaxy Lock Size (Alpha Only) #1
    Get Galaxy Lock Size (Alpha Only) #2
    Get Information About a Specified Virtual Region (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Get Job/Process Information #1
    Get Job/Process Information #2
    Get Lock Information #1
    Get Lock Information #2
    Get Message
    Get Queue Information #1
    Get Queue Information #2
    Get Resource Monitor Information
    Get Security Characteristics
    Get Security Erase Pattern
    Get System Alignment Fault Data (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Get Systemwide Information #1
    Get Systemwide Information #2
    Get Time
    Get Time Precision
    Get Unwind Entry Info
    Get User Authorization Information
    Get UTC Time
    Grant Identifier to Process
    Hash Password
    Initialize System Alignment Fault Reporting ( Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Initialize Volume
    Join Resource Manager
    Join Resource Manager and Wait
    Lock Pages in Memory
    Lock Pages in Memory (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Lock Pages in Working Set
    Lock Pages in Working Set (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Magnetic Tape Accessibility
    Map Global Page Frame Section (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Map Global Section
    Map to Global Section (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Modify CPU User Capabilities (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Modify Holder Record in Rights Database
    Modify Identifier in Rights Database
    Modify Persona Data (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Modify Process Affinity (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Modify Process Implicit Affinity (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Modify Process User Capabilities (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Mount Volume
    Open Association (ICC)
    Parse Access Control List Entry
    Perform Fast I/O (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Perform Fast I/O and Wait (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Process Scan
    Purge Working Set
    Purge Working Set (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Put Message
    Query for Persona Data (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Queue I/O Request
    Queue I/O Request and Wait
    Read 64-Bit Process Cycle Counter (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Read Event Flags
    Receive data (ICC) #1
    Receive data (ICC) #2
    Registry Database Interface (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Registry Database Interface and Wait (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Reject (ICC)
    Release a Reserved User Capability (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Release Galaxy Lock (Alpha Only)
    Remove Holder Record from Rights Database
    Remove Identifier from Rights Database
    Reply (ICC) #1
    Reply (ICC) #2
    Report Alignment Fault (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Reschedule Process
    Reserve a User Capability (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Reserve Persona Slot (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Resume Process
    Revoke Identifier from Process
    RMS Rundown
    Scan for Device Paths (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Scan for Devices
    Scan Intrusion Database
    Scan String for File Specification
    Schedule Wakeup
    Send Message to Error Logger
    Send Message to Operator
    Send to Job Controller #1
    Send to Job Controller #2
    Set AST Enable
    Set Automatic Unshelving
    Set Cluster Event
    Set Default Directory
    Set Default File Protection
    Set Default Transaction
    Set Default Transaction and Wait
    Set Device Characteristics
    Set Device Characteristics and Wait
    Set Distributed Transaction Information
    Set Distributed Transaction Information and Wait
    Set Event Flag
    Set Exception Vector
    Set Fault Characteristic
    Set Fault Characteristic on Pages
    Set IEEE Floating-Point Control Register (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Set IEEE Precision Mode (Integrity servers Only)
    Set IEEE Rounding Mode (Integrity servers Only)
    Set Power Recovery AST
    Set Priority
    Set Privileges
    Set Process Name
    Set Process Swap Mode
    Set Protection on Pages
    Set Protection on Pages (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Set Resource Domain
    Set Resource Wait Mode
    set return value
    Set Security
    Set Stack Limits
    Set Stack Limits (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Set System Event (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Set System Time
    Set Timer
    Set Unwind Table (UT)
    Set Up Fast I/O (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Set User Authorization Information
    Sets Simple Value (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Setup for Process Preemption Avoidance
    Show Intrusion Information
    Signal Array
    Start Alignment Fault Reporting (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Start Branch
    Start Branch and Wait
    Start Transaction #1
    Start Transaction #2
    Stop Alignment Fault Reporting (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Stop System Alignment Fault Reporting (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Suspend Process
    Terminate Rights Database Context
    Test Cluster Event
    Time Converter
    Transaction Event
    Transaction Event and Wait
    Transceive data (ICC) #1
    Transceive data (ICC) #2
    Translate an Extension Name to an ID (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Translate Identifier Name to Identifier
    Translate Identifier to Identifier Name
    Translate Logical Name
    Transmit data (ICC) #1
    Transmit data (ICC) #2
    Unlock Pages from Memory
    Unlock Pages from Memory (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Unlock Pages from Working Set
    Unlock Pages from Working Set (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Unwind Call Stack
    Unwind Call Stack (Alpha and Integrity servers)
    Unwind Call Stack (Alpha Only)
    Update Global Section File on Disk (Alpha and Integrity servers) #1
    Update Global Section File on Disk (Alpha and Integrity servers) #2
    Update Section File on Disk #1
    Update Section File on Disk #2
    Verify Proxy
    VMS Power Control System Service
    Wait for Logical AND of Event Flags
    Wait for Logical OR of Event Flags
    Wait for Single Event Flag
    Wake Process from Hibernation
System time
    converting 64-bit time to UTC time
    getting information asynchronously
    getting information synchronously

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