HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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OpenVMS System Manager's Manual

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C2-class system
    installing OpenVMS to use
    Extended File Cache
    virtual I/O
    Virtual I/O Cache
    creation during system startup
    ACP system parameters
    file system data
    managing file system data caches
Caching attribute
    characteristics on a queue
Captive accounts
Card readers
    translation modes
CD-ROM (compact disc read-only memory)
    accessing ISO 9660-formatted
    accessing with the InfoServer Client for OpenVMS
    characteristics of
    file structures
    formats for automatic serving
    High Sierra format
    ISO 9660 format
    media formats used
Changing Compaq supplied data in the Help Message database
Changing system parameters
    recommended method #1
    recommended method #2
    with AUTOGEN
    with conversational boot #1
    with conversational boot #2
    with SYSMAN
CIPCA adapter
    system tuning
CIXCD adapter
    system tuning
Class of data
Class scheduler
    enabling and disabling
Closed queue status
Closing a queue
Cluster failover of OpenVMS Registry server
Cluster MIB
    setting up
    subagent objects
CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM command procedure #1
CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM command procedure #2
    compared to VMSKITBLD.COM command procedure
    creating SATELLITE_PAGE.COM command procedure
    setting up LAN MOP
    use in adding a system to an OpenVMS Cluster environment
    creation during system startup
CLUSTER_SIZE attribute
Command files
    LAN Control Program (LANCP) utility
Command formats
    for backups
    for image backups #1
    for image backups #2
    for incremental backups #1
    for incremental backups #2
    for multiple backup output devices #1
    for multiple backup output devices #2
    for multiple backup output devices #3
Command procedures
    executing in SYSMAN #1
    executing in SYSMAN #2
    for backups
    for image backups
    for incremental backups
    for installing products #1
    for installing products #2
    for interactive backups
    for MONITOR
    for setting up storage media
        disk volumes
        tape volumes
        controlling output
        default file type
        formatting reports
    for system management
    for system startup
        setting protection in
    testing a spooled printer
    to run AUTOGEN regularly
    to specify default state of operator log files
    VVIEF$INSTAL.COM procedure
    with operators
    with users
        creating systemwide announcements
Compact disc drives
    supported by UETP
Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS
Compaq support representative
    reporting system failure
Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
    installing and configuring
    management tools
    preparing to join a network
    related documentation
    starting and stopping
    summary of benefits
    support for clusters
Compare operations
    with BACKUP
Completion status
    showing for batch and print jobs
Compressing the Help Message database after deletions
    in SYSMAN
    in SYSMAN
    displaying LAN
    for software product options
        sample batch queuing system
        sample print queuing system
CONFIGURE phase of system startup #1
CONFIGURE phase of system startup #2
CONFIGURE phase of system startup #3
Configuring devices
        disabling during system startup
    in system startup #1
    in system startup #2
    in system startup #3
CONNECT command
    in SYSGEN (VAX)
        for connecting the console device
        in system startup
Connecting devices
    automatically #1
    automatically #2
        in system startup
        in system startup
        on VAX #1
        on VAX #2
    network communications device
        on VAX systems
    virtual terminals
Connecting to a Windows NT system
CONSCOPY.COM command procedure
Console report during UETP
Console storage device
    connecting (VAX)
    use in booting
Console terminals #1
Console terminals #2
        indicating lack of installed page file
        login welcome
Continuation file
    reserved file
    used as extension file identifier
Continuation volumes
    in volume set
    mounting in tape volume sets
CONTINUE command
    in conversational boot
Control access
    for disk files #1
    for disk files #2
Controller configuration problems
Conversational boot
    changing system parameters #1
    changing system parameters #2
    changing system parameters #3
    CONTINUE command
    location of computer-specific instructions
    SET command
    SET/STARTUP command
    SHOW command
    SHOW/STARTUP command
    showing system parameters #1
    showing system parameters #2
    showing system parameters #3
    specifying an alternate startup command procedure
    SYSBOOT prompt
    tasks allowed in
    USE command
    uses of #1
    uses of #2
    with alternate system parameter file
    with minimum startup
Convert utility (CONVERT)
    saving the queue database
    using to change organization of file
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
COPY command
    disk volumes
    in System Dump Analyzer utility #1
    in System Dump Analyzer utility #2
    in System Dump Analyzer utility #3
    restriction for copying dump files
    sending message after file is copied
    standard-labeled volumes
        copying from
    tape volumes
        copying files #1
        copying files #2
        copying files #3
    transferring information #1
    transferring information #2
Copying directories
    with BACKUP
Copying files
    from disk volumes
    from tape volumes
    methods for
    system dump files
    to disk volumes
    to tape volumes
    using COPY command
    using Exchange utility
    with BACKUP
Copying software product release notes
Core image file
    not supported by OpenVMS
    status of LAT node
CPU identification number
CPU process limit
CPU time
CPUDEFAULT process limit
    choosing a value for batch queues
    specifying a value for batch queues #1
    specifying a value for batch queues #2
CPUMAXIMUM process limit
    choosing a value for batch queues
    specifying a value for batch queues #1
    specifying a value for batch queues #2
CRASH console command
Crash dumps
    analyzing in system startup
    comparison of physical and selective
    freeing page file of
    in system startup
    releasing #1
    releasing #2
    requirements for saving
    saving contents of page file on reboot
    saving contents of system dump file on reboot
    See also System dump files; System failures
Crash Log Utility Extractor (CLUE)
CREATE command
    creating directories
        limiting number of file versions
    in SYSGEN
        changing page, swap, and dump file sizes
        creating page, swap, and dump files
    writing new file to tape volume
    to specify UIC-based directory protection
    a PCF during installation
    additional queue managers
    execution queues
        autostart #1
        autostart #2
    generic queues
    operator log files
    page, swap, and dump files
        with AUTOGEN
        with SYSGEN
    queue databases
    system parameter files
        with SYSGEN
Creating search path of Help Message database files
CTRLNAME logical name
Current accounting file
    controlling which resources are tracked in
    default file name
    finding out what resources are tracked in
    starting up a new version of
Current system parameters #1
Current system parameters #2
Customizing the system
    adding optional system files that have been removed from the system disk
    backing up
        console storage device
        system disk
    building standalone BACKUP
    creating site-specific startup command procedures
    creating systemwide announcements
    duplicating the system disk
    enabling autostart
    installing known images
    installing resident images (Alpha)
    limiting the number of interactive users
    making remote InfoServer devices available
    making remote InfoServer disks available
    modifying login procedures
    modifying site-specific startup command procedures
    modifying site-specific startup command procedures
    removing optional system files from the system disk
    setting up a LAT network
    starting InfoServer Client for OpenVMS #1
    starting InfoServer Client for OpenVMS #2
    starting queues
    starting the DECnet network
    submitting batch jobs at system startup

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