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OpenVMS System Manager's Manual

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DAD virtual disk unit
Data blocks
    partially recorded
        ISO 9660 standard
Data card deck
Data Communications Equipment #1
Data Communications Equipment #2
Data interleaving
    ISO 9660
Data loss
    avoiding by dismounting volume
    LAT database
        use in system startup
    of software products
        See Queue database
        layered product #1
        layered product #2
        order of startup events
Date formats
    specifying #1
    specifying #2
Daylight saving time
    changing to
DBBFs (detected bad block files)
DCL commands
    accessing disk and tape files
    executing on multiple nodes
    executing with SYSMAN DO command
    file manipulation
    for system management
    retrieving file information
    with DO command in SYSMAN
DCL interface
DCL statements
    filtering from report
ddcu format
    for device names
Deallocating devices
Deallocating drives
DECdns (Digital Distributed Name Service)
    name service
        storing full names in
DECdtm services
    and managing transaction logs
    using in a DECnet-Plus network
DECdtm transaction logs
    changing the size of
    checking the size of
    Binary Error Log Translation utility
DECevent utility
    additional commands
    DIAGNOSE command
    privileges required
    producing reports
    report formats
        fast error (FSTERR)
    using to report on error log file
        using virtual terminals #1
        using virtual terminals #2
    error message during UETP
    managing remote nodes with
    over TCP/IP
    overriding AUTOGEN observations
    preparing for UETP
    specifying transport
    UETP defaults for installation
    UETP test phase #1
    UETP test phase #2
DECnet for OpenVMS
    comparing with DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
    description #1
    description #2
    node names
    remote management of node
DECnet Phase IV
    See DECnet for OpenVMS
DECnet Phase V
    See DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
    advantages #1
    advantages #2
    comparing with DECnet for OpenVMS
    distinguished from DECnet for OpenVMS
    full names
    installing and configuring
    management tools
    moving your network to
    new features
    preparing to join a network
    related documentation
    starting and stopping
    summary of benefits
    support for clusters
    using DECnet over TCP/IP
Deductible resource
    account in UAF
Default boot procedure
Default directories
Default form
Default protection
Default Protection ACEs
Default system parameters
    booting with
Deferred memory testing
    on AlphaServer 4100 computers
DEFINE/FORM command #1
DEFINE/FORM command #2
    for controlling line overflow
Defragmenting disks
Deinstalling layered software products
Delete access
    explicitly assigning
    for disk directory files
    for disk files
    granting through protection codes
    Compaq messages from the Help Message database
        from the system disk
        with PRINT/DELETE command
        problems with
    page, swap, and dump files
        after creating new version
    queue characteristics
        problems with
        problems with
Delta/XDelta Debugger (DELTA/XDELTA)
    entering through IPC
Dependent software products
DESELECT command
Despooling a spooled printer
Destination for installing software
    copying files
Destination parameter
Device control libraries
    assigning to a queue
    order of module output
    sample commands
    See also Device control modules
    setting up
Device control modules
    adding #1
    adding #2
    deleting #1
    deleting #2
    inserting into a library
    order of output
    page setup #1
    page setup #2
    requesting with PRINT command
        when queue is started
    sample commands
    See also Device control libraries
    setting up
    setup #1
    setup #2
    with forms
Device drivers
    for event handling
        in system startup #1
        in system startup #2
        manually (Alpha)
        manually (VAX)
    not associated with a specific device
Device names
    for virtual terminals
    in an OpenVMS Cluster environment
DEVICE phase of system startup #1
DEVICE phase of system startup #2
Device tests
    running individually with UETP
Device unavailable queue status
    accessing in batch job
    allocating #1
    allocating #2
    autoconfiguration of
        device descriptions
        supported buses
        OPCOM message
        in system startup #1
        in system startup #2
        manually #1
        manually #2
        special devices #1
        special devices #2
    determining available
    Ethernet adapter
        specifying number for AUTOGEN
    getting information about #1
    getting information about #2
        getting information about
    managing with LAN Control Program (LANCP) utility
    manually configuring non-standard devices #1
    manually configuring non-standard devices #2
    mounting volumes
    network communications
        connecting (VAX)
    not recognized by the system
    requiring manual connecting
    resetting default in SYSMAN
    setting characteristics
        in system startup
    status report on
    suppressing autoconfiguration during system startup #1
    suppressing autoconfiguration during system startup #2
DIAGNOSE command
    relationship to UETP
Dialup identifiers
    starting the message manager
DIGITAL network architecture
    See DNA
DIOLM process limit
    value for efficient backups
Direct I/O count process limit
Direct mode
    as execution mode for a startup procedure
    backing up
    copying with BACKUP
        specifying in VMSINSTAL.COM command procedure
    for an interactive account
    levels of access in restore operations
    protecting #1
    protecting #2
    resetting default in SYSMAN
        in VMSINSTAL.COM command procedure
    checking number of user's disk blocks
    retrieving file information
    showing full information
    to obtain product list
    with tapes #1
    with tapes #2
Directory trees
    entering before shutting down a system
    relationship to STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE command
Disabled queues
Disabling autostart #1
Disabling autostart #2
    before shutting down a node
Disabling caching
    for a volume
Disabling operator terminals
Disabling spooling
Disabling user accounts
Disk files
    accessing at file level
    assigning an alias
        from disk volumes
        to tapes
        using COPY command
    modifying characteristics #1
    modifying characteristics #2
Disk I/O resource
        virtual I/O cache
Disk Quota utility (DISKQUOTA)
Disk quotas
    ensuring accuracy with rebuild operation
    establishing #1
    establishing #2
    retrieving information
    suspending operations
Disk space
    allocation by cluster
    purging files
        by moving page and swap files off the system disk
        by purging the operator log file
        by removing optional system files
        by storing minimal system dump information
        by using a selective system dump
    tracking use of
Disk storage server
Disk structure
    analyzing errors
    reporting and repairing errors
Disk volumes
    access to public
    accessing files on
    adding to an existing set
    adding volumes to volume sets
    analyzing disk structure errors
    analyzing media errors
    assigning logical name
    assigning volume label
    binding into volume sets
    copying files from
    copying files to and from foreign volumes
    copying files to tape volumes
    creating Files-11 structure
    creating shadowed volume sets
    creating volume sets from
    disk quota operations
    displaying type
    file expiration dates
    handling error conditions
    initializing #1
    initializing #2
    load balancing
    modifying characteristics
    mount verification
    mounting #1
    mounting #2
        for page and swap files
        for queue database files
        in system startup
            for page and swap files
            MOUNT/ASSIST command
            special consideration about operator assistance
    physical loading
    reading files from
    removing before dismounting
    writing files to
DISKQUOTA commands
    in SYSMAN
    allocating drives
    allocating space on #1
    allocating space on #2
    backing up active
        grouped into cluster
    changing volume label
        unit of allocation
    deallocating drives
    default format
    file identification
        directory hierarchy
    fragmentation of #1
    fragmentation of #2
    I/O performance
    mounting #1
    mounting #2
        in host-based shadow set
    protecting #1
    protecting #2
        See System disks
    time limit
        creating file
        UICs kept in quota file
        See User disks
        See Disk volumes
DISMOUNT command
    canceling mount verification
    for a single tape volume
    for foreign volumes
    for single volume in volume set
    for single volume or volume set
    overriding automatic unloading of volume
    a backup volume
    a disk with DECdtm transaction logs
    system disk
    volume sets
        conditions preventing
        in an OpenVMS Cluster system
        with cached information
        with open files
    characteristics assigned to a queue
    defined characteristics
    defined forms
    forms assigned to queues
    information about queue managers
    information about queues
Distributed network management
    concepts #1
    concepts #2
Distributed Queuing System
    See DQS
Distributing system work load
Distribution kit
    startup files included on
DNA (Digital Network Architecture)
    Phase V
        See DECnet-Plus
DO command
    for managing an OpenVMS Cluster system
    in SYSMAN
DOS--11 tape volumes
    file transfers with
    format conversions for
DOSD (dump off system disk) #1
DOSD (dump off system disk) #2
DOSD (dump off system disk) #3
DOSD (dump off system disk) #4
Downline loading
DQS (Distributed Queuing Service)
    distributed printing
DSA device naming
DSI (DIGITAL System Identifier)
    ISO 9660 media protection
    mount option
DSI keyword
    with MOUNT/PROTECTION command
DTE (data terminal equipment) #1
DTE (data terminal equipment) #2
Dual-architecture OpenVMS Cluster systems
    installing images
Dual format
    ISO 9660 CD and ODS
Dump file information
    saving automatically
Dump files
        with AUTOGEN
    information captured in
    overwriting of
    See also Crash dumps; Error log dump file; System dump file; System failures
        changing #1
        changing #2
        See System dump files
    tasks for managing
Dump off system disk (DOSD)
DUMPBUG system parameter
DUMPSTYLE system parameter #1
DUMPSTYLE system parameter #2
DUMPSTYLE system parameter #3
DUMPSTYLE system parameter #4
Dynamic load balancing
Dynamic system parameters #1
Dynamic system parameters #2

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